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Service providers

Connect online suppliers

40+ online suppliers for connection
Select necessary suppliers and submit a request

Cut down on stock costs
Keep only popular goods in stock. No need in big funds to purchase goods. Less excessive stock. A wide range of rarely ordered parts is your suppliers’ concern, not yours!
Order to suppliers automatically
Transfer your clients’ orders automatically to the supplier. Minimize your manager’s routine tasks. Avoid human-factor errors. Prevent mistakes on the stage of order placement and submission.
Earn more with bigger markups
Delivery prices are crucial for auto parts, especially if they weigh over 5 – 10 kg. Compare offers among several suppliers. Select parts with the lowest delivery prices.
Eliminate possible risks
Increase clients’ loyalty by offering them parts they want. They can find any part in the price lists of online suppliers integrated on your website.
How do we connect online suppliers?
Give access to online suppliers
Enable the selected online supplier(s) for your project
Set up online price lists
Get help from the technical support team
Ensure operational stability of the online service
Monitor correct data exchange by the online supplier
Select your category

I use Tradesoft products. I want to connect online suppliers from your supplier database. OR I have a supplier and want it to be integrated in the online price search.

I am a wholesale/retail supplier of auto parts and want to be in your supplier database. OR my client uses Tradesoft products. I want to be in your supplier database for the faster price search by my client.

I have a CRM/ an online store provided by the third-party developer. I want to connect online suppliers from Tradesoft database.

Online price search
1 supplier
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
20 $ / month
Online order
1 supplier
Get prices and order parts from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices and order parts from your suppliers’ websites
80 $ / month
Online price search
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
120 $ / month
Online order
Online order: all suppliers
Online order: all suppliers
470 $ / month
Online price search
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
240 $ / month
Online order
Online order: all suppliers
Online order: all suppliers
470 $ / month
Online price search
1 supplier
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
40 $ / month
Online order
1 supplier
Online order: one supplier
Online order: one supplier
160 $ / month
Online price search
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
Get prices from your suppliers’ websites
240 $ / month
Online order
Online order: all suppliers
Online order: all suppliers
470 $ / month
Connect your supplier
Select the required suppliers from the list and submit a connection request